Friday, December 31, 2010

Ho Chi Minh

At last, after 22 hours of journey - I arrive in Ho Chi Minh city. It is indeed looks like my hometown when I was small, but my hometown was  much more less crowded than here.

I have to learn how to cross the road properly here as cars (not so many) nor motorcycle (thousands of them) will stop at the zebra cross hehehehe. I lost a bit my instinct in crossing the road; have been pampered so many years in Switzerland where pedestrians are the kings :-)

So you have to look left and wait till you get a chance to cross at least till the middle of the road (not so sure which one but just take your approximate), then look right wait till it's a bit empty ... then cross hurry a bit till you reach the safe shore.

I am lucky though. My hotel is clean and nice. Sitting in an alley full of food stall ...

For tonight, I choose this seafood restaurant and I ate salted fish fried rice or in Indonesian is Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin ... feel like home :-)

See you another day

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It's a picture of reflection ...

Réfléchir ... réfléchir, toujour réfléchir hehehehe

Maitenant je réfléchis ce que je doit prendre avec moi :-)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What is Kalapas

Kalapas is mass of subatomic particles that arise and pass away, arise and pass away ... continuously. This is what has been written in books :-)

It will be a long journey indeed to prove and see it yourself. People in CERN built the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) to prove it scientifically ... while the wise man had seen it himself 2500 years ago.