Saturday, May 9, 2015


Happy Mother's day !!!
Greatest respect to all mothers that raise their kids with compassionate love.

Today's recipe will be Celimpungan.
In my home town, we love to eat fish cake and we have various forms and way to serve it and each of them has its own name.

This one is Celimpungan. It's almost similar to fish balls (giant balls normally) and serve with sauce made with coconut milk.  Here is the recipe, it's for 2 to 3 serving; and as I live in Europe where I cannot find the original ingredients, the recipe has been adjusted to suit the situation :-)

How to make the fish balls
- Filet Brosme fish about 275 gr.
- water 1/2 bowl (small bowl size 250ml)
- white egg of 1 egg
- Tapioca flour - 1 bowl
- 1 tablespoon salt (flat)
- 1/2 cube maggi

Mix the all the ingredients above, except the Tapioca flour, in a blender till they are smooth. Then mix then slowly with tapioca flour. Till it can be form with spoon as balls. Approximately below consistency

Boil a lot of waters in a pan. Wait till it is really boiling and then make balls form with spoon and drop it into the waters. When they are floating, add about 10 minutes to ensure they are well cook. And lift up from the water. Put it on fabric and leave it dry.

How to make the sauce (we call it kuah)
- 4 pieces small shallots (asian shallots)
- 1 piece small garlic.
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1/4 teaspoon coriander powder
- salt as per your taste
- 1/2 cube maggi
- 200 ml thin coconut milk (you can mix coconut milk with water to thinner them)

Grind shallots, garlic, turmeric and coriander together till it become a paste.
Heat small amount of oil in a pan, put the paste and stir fry till it smells nice and then pour the coconut milk, put maggi and salt to taste. Stir it slowly till it's boiling. And then put those fish balls inside. And leave it boil for few minutes.

Serve with fried shallots and if you like spicy food, you can add sambal terasi or with sambal ulek.

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