Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dhamma Joti

Below is the pictures of Dhamma Joti - a vipassana meditation center in Yangon.

More than 90% of the participants (men and women) wear longgyi (saroong) and more than 70% women wear black velvelt sandals. So a bit funny actually on end of the meditation session seeing them  trying out sandals to find which one is theirs hehehehe.

Delicious Burmese vegetarian food are served. Chili seems one of the vital diet here as everyday, breakfast and lunch; at least one of the dish is spicy and a plate of chili paddy always available on the dining table.

And apart from Dhamma Joti, I and my friends Hikaru and Sophie; we had a chance to visit International Meditation Center (meditation center of Sayagi U Ba Khin) that is also located in Yangon. 

On the left is a small pagoda where Sayagi U Ba Khin used to meditate.

While I have to go to the airport to catch my flight to Mandalay; Hikaru and Sophie were continued their journey to cross the river and visit Saya Thet Gyi's monastery.

As I went to Mandalay and Monywa; I had a chance to visit the monastery where Ledi Sayadaw gave dhamma teaching in Monywa. Below is the picture taken at Ledi Monastery.

  Ledi Sayadaw's statue

But did not have chance to visit the cave where Ledi Sayadaw used to meditate in the evening after teaching - which is accross the river but do not know where it is exactly.

In brief: Ledi Sayadaw is the teacher of Saya Thet Gyi, and Saya Thet Gyi is the teacher of Sayagi U Ba Khin and Sayagi U Ba Khin is the teacher of S.N. Goenka.

By the way, if you are interested in knowing more about vipassana meditation ... try to visit this web site:

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