Sunday, January 2, 2011

Watching Cambodian Show

Arrived in the Siam Reap airport, the adventure starts ... instead of taxi, i was offerred a moto taxi (motorcycle with driver). I took it. My luggage was kept by the moto driver at the front and I am with my heavy backpack at the back ... off we go. Most of the time, he drove only with one hand as the other hand is busy holding a mobile phone. He got phone calls many times hehehehe.

He is a nice guy and speaks English quite fluently. He said that he learned English at school and practiced with tourists. He is now studying history as he wants to be a tour guide instead of a moto driver. What a spirit he has. So I asked him to be my driver also my tour guide to go to Siam Reap Cultural village - happily he agreed.

In Siam Reap Cultural village, I watch the 'Peacock' story with the cambodians. Today is Sunday, it's a family holiday. See below the picture that I took before the show starts ... compact with people hehehehe.

And I met my little friend that always smile when a camera is pointed at her. Maybe she will be a model when she grows up :-)

Below is the picture of my little friend and her family ....

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