Thursday, January 27, 2011

Village in Myanmar

Life is simple and calm in the villages. And each of the village has its mean of living. Most of the village do agriculture in rainy season and then in dry season, they do something else like tourism , the cotton spinning, basket weaving, weaving, joss stick making, etc.

Village house are mostly made of bamboo wall and palm roof. The house normally has only one big room for the family and a small kitchen. One bamboo house cost about 3500 USD to built.

Each of the village has primary school but to go to high school/ university; they have to travel to the big town. School are not free. For high school, they have to pay about 300 USD per year. One of a boy that I met in a temple, he cannot continue school as his parent cannot pay for it. He learned English from foreigners ...

Here are the pictures of the villages.

 Village road in Aneth Village
 My driver is a nice guy. He stopped in a small shop and bought 2 bags of candy. I thought it's for his kids at home but apparantly it's for the kids in Ma U Alai village.

Since then, I also joined him buying biscuits and candy for village kids :-)
Village house in old Bagan. No bricks, they are all made of bamboo. The roof sometime is made of palm leaves, sometime made of metal.
I became a guest in a village house - the grandmother's house of my horsecart man.

It's middle class house in the village, it is big. The grandmother was rich.

The man with me is the uncle of my horsecart man. He worked for tourism office before. He proudly showed me his photos.

Those people, they are not rich in term of economy but they are rich in their heart.

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