Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pho Win Taung Cave

Pho Win Taung cave is about 1.5 hours drive from Monywa, mostly off road. Along the way to go there, hardly you see house/ village. But indeed worth to visit. There are more than 700 caves - some natural, some is man made. In each of the cave there is at least one Buddha's statue. The wall painting in the caves are beautiful.

A little girl was my guide and she showed me around visiting the best caves.

Lives there yellow monkeys and these monkey are already there since 13th century; as you can see the monkey's picture on the cave wall. The girl explained to me that there is always only a male monkey that is also their king. As this male monkey kills all the male babies - no competition.

Here are pictures of Pho Win Taung cave.

This one has the most beautifl wall painting. Well preserved too. 

Rows of buddha's statue with beautiful wall decoration.

On bottom right hand corner you can see the monkey picture there.

It is me with a monkey climb on my leg asking for more food :-)

The monkeys are cute, they are not so agressive. They took food politely from your hand. But sure you are still has to be careful ... hehehehe.

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